
Artist Profile

2024 Frances R Drew

Medium: Painting / Drawing

Description:  Colorful modern art

Price Range:  $25 TO $1500

2024 Frances R Drew

Medium: Painting / Drawing

Description:  Colorful modern art




Teal Sand

Artist Statement: The world cries out for color I hear those cries and rush in to fill the need If you leave something in front of me long enough, I will paint it If there is nothing to paint, I will create something Dancing in and out of the physical space with the piece I am building, I hear and create the inner rhythm for my music of the eye And make harmony from chaos I am called to cover the earth in color As a child I was distressed by the lack of variety of bright colors everywhere. In my mind it should be a cartoon color world like Dick Tracy's. Roads should be red, blue and green, not just black and gray. Grass should be orange and maroon, not just a variation of green. Why couldn't my father wear a bright yellow trench coat? I saw the shapes, patterns and lines in everything I looked at. I wanted to refine those shapes. And I wanted them to have color. My color. And I liked making things from other things. Combining things. The physical act of working with all kinds of materials to make what did not exist before. Those early musings and desires set the course for my art making. I create what I want to see because it does not yet exist, or it does not exist the way I want to see it. I imagine it, and need to create it so I can see it.

Distinctive paintings for discriminating tastes

Biography: Frances R. Drew is a visual artist best known for her vibrantly colored paintings and shaped, constructed pieces. Her paintings explore themes rooted in the psyche such as balance, female woundedness, energetic and soul remembrances and images from fragmented dream states, by utilizing spatial manipulation and juxtaposing unusual tactile materials. She received her BFA from the Minneapolis Colleg of Art and Design, Minneapolis, MN, and MFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY. Awards include the Dick Blick Award, CT; Ariel Gallery's certificate of excellence in painting category; Metro Art International Art Competition - certificate of excellence in Small Works category; Metro Art U.S.A. Art Competition - certificate of excellence in Drawing category. Born in Montreal, Canada, Drew received a BFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and an MFA from Rochester Institute of Technology. She presently resides in Connecticut and has paintings and mixed media constructions in private collections in California, Minnesota, Florida, Connecticut and Toronto, Canada.

Tour Location:

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