
Art in the Park Participation


Registration for 2025 is open!
Thanks to everyone who participated in
The 2024 edition of Art in the Park

2025: Sunday, June 1st  -  Rain or Shine  -  10am-4pm
Stay tuned for the 50th anniversary plan!

An outdoor show at Center Memorial Park, 586 Main Street, Manchester, CT
Intersection of Main Street (Route 83) and Center Street (Routes 6/44)
On the grounds of the Mary Cheney Library

After the pandemic and safety regulations, Art in the Park was back in 2022 with the support of the Town of Manchester!
AITP is part of "Celebrate Manchester", a week of events beginning with Concert in the Park

2024 hosted an exceptional list of over 200 artists, crafters and performers!

Now, AITP is part of Artists In Real Time, Inc., a non-profit organization that produces events such as Open Studio Hartford, the capital city’s “arts extravaganza” and other opportunities to promote local artists.



ARTIST VENDORS: Artists, crafters and related vendors producing original, hand-crafted work are welcome. Artwork may include but is not limited to painting, ceramics, sculpture, photography, digital art, jewelry, wood products, fiber arts, multi-media etc. Artists of all media, genre, ages and skill levels are accepted. AITP wishes to give its audience a wide variety of items to view and buy. Acceptance is at the discretion of AITP management.

PERFORMING ARTISTS: The Stage features music, vocals, spoken word and dance of all genres. Sets are generally 20 minutes. Schedule is limited. A canopy tent will cover the 20x20' stone stage. A sound system will provided. Any special equipment is the responsibilitiy of the performer(s). To see the 2024 performance page, click here.

LIVE ART and PROJECTS: Artists are encouraged to paint live, host interactive projects or demonstrations for learning and entertainment for children, families, and adults. Contact the event coordinator to propose a project for sponsorship or to help cover expenses. In some cases, the registration fee will be waived.

FOOD VENDORS: Food trucks and vendors are encouraged (use the Registration Form). Advance notice and time of arrival is required (grounds open at 7am). Town of Manchester temporary food licenses are required with day-of inspections. No water or electrical available. CLICK HERE for InformationCLICK HERE for Town of Manchester Health Department forms.

COST & PAYMENT: Artist fee to participate is $60 / food truck or vendor $75 / one fee + one artist sponsorship $100. 
Online payment: CLICK HERE
Check to: Artists in Real Time (ART), 
(Do NOT make check out to Art in the Park) 
Mail to: Cynthia Bulaong, 140 Huyshope Ave #624, Hartford, CT 06106 
Questions about fees or if you wish to be sponsored, contact Cynthia Bulaong at

DEADLINES: Inclusion in the color program and other publicity, is not guaranteed after May 20th. Registrations will be accepted through the month of May or until we are sold out. Last minute registrations allowed, space permitting.
GROUP SHOW & OPENING RECEPTION: A Group Show where each artist submits 1 or 2 pieces is TBD for 2025. In the future, it will expand the AITP reach by having a show at ArtSpace Hartford's impressive gallery or other location. More information to come.

BOOTH LOGISTICS: All spaces are assigned. Check-In upon arrival. Booths are mainly 10x10’ corner (pods of 4) with 2 sides open to the public (other configurations are available). Artists are responsible for display and setting up. Canopy tents are suggested. Weights or stakes are required. Secure all displays for safety of your work and the public. Your space will be marked with a sign to keep visibly. Click here to see a sample map of booths.

An 8.5x11.5 ID sign will be provided but it is advised to bring other attractive signage, banners and promo items.

RENTALS:  Rentals - such as tables and chairs - are made available by the coordinator. As a registered participant, you will have the opportunity to place an order at an extra, reasonable cost. Rentals will be delivered onsite.

DAY-OF SCHEDULE: Grounds open at 7 am. Plan to be ready before 10am. All vendors must Check-In upon arrival. No breakdown allowed before 4:00. All belongings must be removed on Sunday evening. PLEASE REMOVE ALL TRASH.

PARKING: You may pull your vehicle into the park, drop off supplies and move to a suggested lot behind Town Hall or across Main Street. All vehicles must be moved out of the park by 9am. DO NOT park in loading areas, or on Main or Linden during show hours. CLICK HERE to see parking options.

SALES: Sales are handled by the vendor (no commission taken). You may sell art, prints, other artistic work, handmade items and future commissions. There is no limit to the number of pieces you can display or sell. We suggest you accept credit cards, Venmo or other forms of payment. Check back or email for further instruction.

To sell goods in CT, a Tax # is required by law. It is the responsibility of the vendor. For permit information, CLICK HERE. You'll need to register for a myconnectCT account. There is a one-time fee of $100 fee and you can display certificate at your booth.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Consider lending help and expertise in areas of marketing, administration and fundraising. We need help building signs, poster distribution, and many other jobs. Spread the word for day-of volunteers as well.

DONATIONS & SPONSORS: Think of us if you have access to goods or services to help general operations, event supplies, hospitality, copy, print, social networking etc etc. AITP is produced on a small budget and improving it carries additional expenses.Cash and in-kind donations are tax deductible. We also seek corporate and community support. Personalized Sponsor Kits that spell out donor levels and benefits - whether for cash or in-kind contributions - are available. Please share any prospective supporter contact information with us!

INSURANCE AND LIABILITY: Artists in Real Time, Inc. covers the insurance required by the Town of Manchester. ART, Cynthia Bulaong, volunteers and staff assume no responsibility for the value of artwork or other items. Artists are responsible for their own insurance against theft or damage at any time. Short-term policies geared specifically to shows such as AITP are available at low-cost at such websites as Further information is available.

AITP reserves the right to refuse the participation of any individual, organization or booth set-up.
All content subject to AITP approval.

TO REGISTER as an artist or vendor, CLICK HERE

Contact: Cynthia Bulaong,

Art Event Participation Open Studio Hartford Venues Sponsor, Donate, & Volunteer

Click here to see the 25th Anniversary Video Retrospective produced by CT Public Broadcasting!

CT Web Design by ImageWorks, LLC