
Participate 2024


November aims to get back to the "extravaganza" OSH was pre-pandemic by featuring more venues, studios and artists city-wide; targeting and attracting art buyers; encouraging people to visit multiple venues, audience development and community awareness.

To learn more about OSH and its history, click here.

OPEN STUDIO WEEKEND - Saturday & Sunday, November 16 & 17, 11am-5pm
At multi-artist VENUES such as ArtSpace, 56 Arbor, Parkville Market and 1429 Park Street
Artists without a studio or from out of town are provided a space (referred to as "Visiting Artist")

GROUP SHOW in the ArtSpace Gallery
 No extra charge for OSH or AITP participants or you can register for Group Show Only 

CLICK HERE to skip to OSH Registration Form

EKPHRASIS: Poetry, Music & Dance Inspired by Visual Art - November 10th


INTRODUCTION: For the past 30 years, OSH has been an expansive, city-wide event providing a great place for artists to show their work to thousands of visitors in a face-to-face environment, sell artwork or custom services, nurture dedicated followers and develop new relationships. Before the pandemic, up to 400 artists participated annually in dozens of venues bringing visitors to Hartford's neighborhoods. Artists In Real Time, Inc. (ART), producers of OSH, support and promote the arts, the individual artists and their work, while inspiring community creativity. For the public, OSH is a free, self-guided tour of live-in/work studios, galleries, educational institutions and related businesses. 

PARTICIPANTS OSH accepts art of all media, genre and skill levels. Individuals artists and crafters, educational institutions, arts organizations and art-related businesses are all welcome to participate. Performing artists and organizations - Dance, Music, Film, Poetry & Performance Art etc - are also welcome. 


VENUE: A "venue" generally refers to a stand-alone building or business. You are welcome to showcase your business solely, your tenants or members, invite individual or artist groups to display their work in your space or other configuration. Each venue is different in logistics, marketing and cost. Venues can consider sponsorship levels for further visibility in the marketing campaign starting at $250. In addition, applying for grants or seeking funding for your participation is encouraged. Venues are individually credited in all publicity. The venue owner or manager works closely with the OSH coordinator.

•  All venues will be provided OSH signage for identification
•  Notify us if your venue can use sponsor signage or banners
•  Where possible, 8 foot Open Studio signs & balloons will be distributed
•  Be sure your venue is ready for the public including safety and a conducive environment
•  Hang helpful, directional signage and maps where necessary
•  Work with the coordinator to market your venue with press releases etc.

STUDIO: Your studio may be a VENUE of its own or could be housed in a conglomerate (such as ArtSpace or 56 Arbor). You may be provided with an "Open Studio" sign but be sure to identify your door and make it welcoming for visitors. 

•  Provide refreshments such as easy-to-eat snacks and beverages & play background music
•  Make your studio ready for the public including a safe and conducive environment 
•  Hang posters for your studio in the common areas, elevators, entrances (use QR codes)
•  Have an art project in progress to work on live or an interactive project for adults and children

VISITING ARTIST: If you do not have a studio or are from out of town, you will be assigned to a group location (such as ArtSpace, Parkville Market, 1429 Park). OSH tries to accommodate requests for preferred venues depending upon availability. Each artist is assigned a space appropriate to their needs. Sizes, regulations and schedules vary by venue. At certain venues, picture hangers and nails can be used. If placed in a corridor, generally, displays cannot extend beyond 18" from the wall per the Fire Marshal. Breakdown instructions vary per venue.

CENTERFLOOR, TABLE and DISPLAY SYSTEMS: If you display your work without the use of walls, please inform us upon registration on Part 2 of the registration form. You will be assigned a 10x10' or larger space.

RENTALS: Table/chair rentals are available at ArtSpace and 1429 Park (at cost).

•  Can fill their space with as much artwork as they wish
•  Should offer business cards or other handouts with contact info
•  Use social media handles and QR codes
•  Man their space for the full event (bring a friend!)
•  Remain open and available for the entire show

•  ALL participants should be welcoming and upbeat with the visitors!!

EKPHRASIS: POETRY, MUSIC & DANCE inspired by VISUAL ART: A multi-disciplinary event on November 10th at 2 - 4pm. Participating artists offer up their artwork as inspiration for the poets, composers, musicians, dancers and more. For information, CLICK HERE.


In response to the pandemic, OSH 2020 featured an Online Gallery and Artist Profiles offering opportunities for sales and visibility at a reasonable rate without in-person studio visits, setting up a space as a visiting artist or manning the event the entire weekend. Visitors had the freedom to access artists and artwork by browsing our Online Gallery and discovering new artists at their convenience. By-appointment visits to your studio were optional. 

Artists continue to be represented in an attractive Online Gallery featuring one artwork of your choosing, along with your Publication Name and short description of your work which clicks to the Artist Profile Page.

Each participant receives a custom designed, page to suit the individual or organization. Four images will be imported with title, dimensions and price from your registration form. The Statement/Bio field accepts "unlimited" copy, links to pre-existing online content and video files. Additional copy, photos and links can be emailed to It can act as a mini-website for those that do not have one. We work closely with each artist to create a simple or lengthy page. Providing ALL contact info is recommended.

- PREVIOUS ARTIST PROFILE PAGES links are available by contacting 

- VIDEOS - Artists can provide interviews, studio tours and live demonstrations by including files or links to be included on Artist Profile Pages and for online promotions.


REGISTRATION – Alll participants need to fill out the registration form. Once your form is received, OSH will be in touch to instruct you of your next steps and to see and proofread your profile page. Additional images, copy, links and videos will be accepted. If you need a hard copy form, contact Click here to register.

- FEES -  Artist registration for studios or space for a visiting artist remains at $60. The Online Gallery or the Group Show Only is $25. Vendors pay $75. Individual venues pay $75. Each category includes the production of a Profile page. If you cannot afford your fee, ART may be able to help. Sponsorships, artist sponsorships and tax deductible donations are accepted. 

- PAYMENT OPTIONS - To pay online, Click Here Or mail check to Artists in Real Time (ART), c/o Cynthia Bulaong, 140 Huyshope Avenue #624, Hartford, CT 06106

DATES & DEADLINES - Registration is ongoing with promotional benefits not guaranteed after October 1st. For Online Gallery Only, no deadlines apply; your registration will be processed upon receipt. 

SALES: Sales are handled directly by the artist. OSH does not take a commision. You may sell original artwork, prints, other artistic projects and commission customized work for the future. Technically, to sell goods in CT, a Tax # is required by law but this is the responsibility of the vendor. OSH does not currently require artists and vendors to supply this information. Register for a MyConnect account and follow instructions (one-time $100 fee applies) 
Accepting Payments: We suggest you equip yourself to accept card payments. Among others, you can use Paypal ( or Square ( Both have swipers that connect to smart phones and an app to download. Both take a percentage. You can use your data or connect via wifi. Swipers are free or can be purchased retail. Other convenient online payment that do not incur fees include Venmo and Zelle.
SECURITY: Varying by venue, it may be necessary to remove a portion of your work overnight. In each multi-artist venue, we'll identify security issues - at ArtSpace, you might work with resident studio/apartments to store work. Professional security is provided in a public environment such as Parkville Market and 1429 Park.
Insurance and Liability: ART, Cynthia Bulaong and her staff, assume no responsibility for the value of artwork or incidents. The artist is responsible for their insurance against theft or damage at any time. 
Individual Artist Insurance: Artists can purchase low-cost, short-term insurance policies at companies such as Artists in Real Time, Inc., Hartford, CT can be added as Additionally Insured.
If you cannot afford your application fee, ART may be able to help. When filling out your Registration Form, use the Comment field to request a sponsorship followed by the reason you should be considered for no-cost participation in OSH.
Committees & Volunteers:  Consider lending your help and expertise (or that of your contacts, friends or family) in all areas including marketing, administration, distribution of printed materials and fundraising. 
DonationsOSH is produced by Artists in Real Time, Inc. (ART), a non-profit organization, running on a small budget. Think of us if you have access to goods or services that would be helpful in our general operations, supplies, copy and print capabilities, etc.
Corporate Sponsors: Sponsorships are an important part of the OSH budget and this year is no different. Funds are needed to operate optimally and to promote OSH effectively. Please work with us if you have contacts for corporate, individual or in-kind sponsors. Formal and personalized solicitation kits are available.

SUBMITTING YOUR WORK FOR THE GROUP SHOW: All OSH and AITP participants are encouraged to place piece in the Group Show. Artists also have the option of participating in the Group Show Only. DROP OFF will be on or around November 1st

•    Your piece must remain in the ArtSpace Gallery for the show’s duration.
•    Size constraints depend on the number of participants.
•    Group Show visitation hours will have volunteers present.  
•    Piece should be ready to displayed or hung (i.e. wire attached) (no exceptions)
•    For a label template CLICK HERE. THREE copies of the same label are required.

Like us on Facebook to stay up to date.

Stay Tuned for Other Registration Opportunities

THE HOME SHOW at CT Convention Center
November 1-3, 2024 - An OSH Promotion TBD

February 14-16, 2024 - CLICK for INFO

Also see information for the CT Cannabis Expo - February TBD

ART IN THE PARK - The first Sunday in June
50th Anniversary! / CLICK HERE for Information


QuestionsContact Cynthia Bulaong, Executive Director, at

CT Web Design by ImageWorks, LLC