
Artist Profile

Lauren Be Dear

Medium: Video Installation, Spoken Word Poetry, Mixed Media

Description:  Video installations, altered dollhouses & spoken word poetry

Lauren Be Dear

Medium: Video Installation, Spoken Word Poetry, Mixed Media

Description:  Video installations, altered dollhouses & spoken word poetry

infinitlovalie (Detail/Video Still)

infinitlovalie (Installation)

Infinitlovalie (Detail/Video Still)

infinitlovalie (Installation)

Lauren Be Dear is an interdisciplinary multimedia artist from Hartford, Connecticut, specializing in video installation, spoken word poetry and sculpture. Her work examines mental health, family bonds and ancestral trauma. She aims to dismantle the burden of stigma, encourage others to share their stories, and create alternative pathways to healing. During Open Studio Hartford 2023 weekend, a preview of her current exhibition, "infintlovalie" will be on display inside her art studio at 54 Arbor St, (Suite 101 A).

Tour Location: 56 Arbor Street Studio


Art Event Participation Map of Open Studio Hartford Sponsor, Donate, & Volunteer

Click here to see the 25th Anniversary Video Retrospective produced by CT Public Broadcasting!

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