Artist Profile
Susan Hackett
Medium: Sculpture, photography, glass, jewelry
Description: Diverse work in glass, metal and micro-photography
Price Range: $5--$500
Susan Hackett
Medium: Sculpture, photography, glass, jewelry
Description: Diverse work in glass, metal and micro-photography
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Susan Hackett self-identifies as a maker. She works in traditional craft media, often glass, but also metal, wood, paper and clay as well as creating images using photography and printmaking. Susan earned a BFA at MassArt in Boston, and an MFA from the Nomad9 program at Hartford Art School. Using modest materials, she seeks to make catalytic objects and imagery creating most of these objects and images in her studio, on the shores of quietly beautiful Lake Manitook in Granby, Connecticut.
Her work has been shown in several venues in the northeast including Five Points Gallery, the Slater Museum, the Palestine Museum, Five Myles Gallery, Brooklyn NYC.
Education: June 2018-MFA- Interdisciplinary Art, (“Nomad9”) program, Hartford Art School 2007-BFA Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston Mass. 3D-Fine Arts: Glass; graduated with distinction. 2006-Penland School of Craft-awarded work/study scholarship to study glass with Henry Halem
Selected Shows, Grants and Awards: 2023-“Expanding Boundaries”-Contemporary Glass Society United Kingdom, Online Exhibition 2022-Invited artist, Five Points Gallery, 10th Anniversary Exhibition 2020-Invited artist Five Points Gallery, “Paying Attention”. 2019-Connecticut Women Artists Juried Show, Slater Museum, Norwich Ct 2019-Sculpture currently on loan to the Palestine Museum, Woodbury, Ct. 2019-Awarded a grant (working with Rough Edges Art Production,) from Hartford Foundation for Public Giving to fund community education and engagement in Windsor Connecticut phytoremediation project. (Successfully completed) 2018-Momentum Hot Glass Exhibition-Juried show-Toledo Ohio 2018-Connecticut Women Artist’s-Juried Show-Juried show-Farmington, Ct 2018-“PRTK” (Park River Tool Kit)-Real Art Ways, Hartford Ct 2018-“No Man’s Land: Women Working in Abstraction” at Five Points Gallery, Torrington Connecticut 2018-“Techne”-Hartford Art School staff show 2017-Invited to participate in ‘Everything Continues’ at Five Myles Gallery, Brooklyn New York. 2016-Ct +6 Juried Show 2016-“Text Messages”-Spectrum Gallery, Centerbrook Ct 2015-Juror’s Choice/Best in Show Canton Gallery on the Green Open Juried Show, Canton Ct. 2015-Amnesty International Juried Show, Brooklyn NY 2015-Ct +6 Juried Show 2015-Dehn Gallery (with the Women Artists Collective) 2013, 2014-artist at REAP Street art show 2008-Awarded MetLife Grant to teach kiln-formed glass at the New Britain Museum of American Art in conjunction with their exhibit of glass art. 2007-Best in Mixed Media Canton Gallery on the Green
Open Juried Show Publications: 2006-Invited to speak at New England Chemistry Teachers annual conference to present on the history of art glass (ancient to contemporary studio glass); Wrote a series of 3 articles that were published in the NEACT journal on the history of glass (the development of ancient glass to the contemporary studio glass movement.)
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Tour Location: Parkville Market, 1400 Park Street
Click here to see the 25th Anniversary Video Retrospective produced by CT Public Broadcasting!