Artist Profile
2024 Carlos Crispin
Medium: Mixed Media
Description: Collage style artwork
2024 Carlos Crispin
Medium: Mixed Media
Description: Collage style artwork
If I would explain my art, it would have to that of Mixed Media format. I use the main medium of photography to capture a moment and use other mediums to further convey a message or feeling. I often use different techniques from Adobe Photoshop to create an idea whether it would be double exposure or collage for example. I also use paint, whether acrylic or oil, to liven up my picture and/or objects to further push my idea. I am often inspired by poetry or quotes and try to mimic or present a poem with my photography. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I try my best to make sure I write a poem for you to see. My photography or art is inspired by the beauty and strength of women, the courage of men, the earth that God created. One thing being time. I’ve always been fascinated with time and the idea of using photography to kind of manipulate and trap the hands of time
Tour Location: ArtSpace Hartford
Click here to see the 25th Anniversary Video Retrospective produced by CT Public Broadcasting!