
Artist Profile

2024 Oli Vllahu Pinunsky

Medium: Painting / Drawing

Description:  A passionate artist capturing life’s beautiful moments

Price Range:  Acrylic and mixed medium

2024 Oli Vllahu Pinunsky

Medium: Painting / Drawing

Description:  A passionate artist capturing life’s beautiful moments

Crimson News

Southbound Flight

Serenity in Bloom

Whispers of Spring

I’m Oli , a watercolor, acrylic, & multimedia painter living in Southington, CT. I emigrated from Albania about 20 years ago and built a home and family here with my daughter Erika, my son William, and my husband Ed. Life is busy, between my role as a creative director at a Fortune 500 company, school runs, and keeping up with family obligations, but painting is how I decompress.

For me, painting stirs up a whirlwind of emotions—excitement, fun, frustration, and satisfaction. Some days I love what I create, and other days, not so much. But I’m always grateful for the gift God gave me and for my parents, who encouraged me to follow my dreams. Adding a little color to life is so important, and painting helps me do just that.

Follow me on instagram @oli_vp78

Tour Location:

Art Event Participation Map of Open Studio Hartford Sponsor, Donate, & Volunteer

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