Artist Profile
2024 John OBrien
Medium: Painting / Drawing
Description: Simplicity in itself is an art form
Price Range: Pen and Ink
2024 John OBrien
Medium: Painting / Drawing
Description: Simplicity in itself is an art form
"The public display of ones artwork is a lesson in humility" John O'Brien started painting in 1998 and is self-taught. John is from Ireland and has had an eclectic career as an aircraft mechanic in Ireland and a ranch hand in Australia among his collection of work experiences as well as holding two science degrees. He has been influenced by his travels in Europe, the USA, Australia and Asia. The Simplicity of his work indicates the influence of both his engineering and science based experiences.
Tour Location: ArtSpace Hartford 3rd Floor
Click here to see the 25th Anniversary Video Retrospective produced by CT Public Broadcasting!