

Art in the Park Manchester

     General Event Information
     Participation Details & Information
     Registration Form for Participants


Open Studio Hartford Events


Group Show - ArtSpace Hartford Gallery, 555 Asylum Street - a collaborative show of all Artist in Real Time artists

Opening on November 2024 TBD

Ekphrasis: Poetry, Music & Dance Inspired by Visual Art November 2024 TBD

Opening / Closing Art Reception November 2024 TBD

For other related and special events, Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date.

Other OSH events have taken place over the years. We look forward to even more entertainment, art and activities.

Connecticut Professional Photographers Association's Exhibit and Fundraiser (2016)

1429 Park Street at The Design Center

Hartford Dada Art Show Opening & Ideomotor Music Performances
Welcome to Bohemia Dada

Hartford Hot Several at 73 Pratt Street


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